The situation in Armenia was getting worse day by day, the government was not able to solve the socio-economic problems, emigration was gaining momentum. The disappointment of the people was deepening.
In 1995 Vazgen Manukyan was elected a deputy of the RA National Assembly from constituency #20.
During the 1996 presidential election a serious opposition front was formed. The main political parties and forces unite, nominating Vazgen Manukyan as a candidate of national accord in the presidential elections.
The 1996 presidential election turned into widespread electionfalsification in favor of Levon Ter-Petrosyan, while the opposition candidate Vazgen Manukyan clearly won the election. The administration of Levon Ter-Petrosyan did not concede positions. Even as a result of widespread electionfalsification, according to official data, Vazgen Manukyan received 41% of the vote, while Levon Ter-Petrosyan received 51,3%.
The NDU presented an evidence base to the Constitutional Court in volumes.
“Nevertheless, we did not announce that the opposition candidate had won, but demanded that each constituency opens 3 random boxes, and if election falsification is found, we will go to the second round”. - Vazgen Manukyan.
Opposition mass meetings start. At the September 26 mass meeting Vazgen Manukyan announces: “Now it is being decided which way the state will go. If there comes an illegitimate government, it becomes a tradition and will continue in the same way».
Vazgen Manukyan went to the Central Electoral Commission with several people, which was then located in the building of the National Assembly, offering to open 3 boxes from each region. Then Vazgen Manukyan announces: “If we do not come out in 20-30 minutes, come for us”.
The people moved from the Freedom Square along Baghramyan Avenue to the CEC, chanting “Vazgen, the President”. At around 6pm, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the National Assembly in support of decisive actions. A little later, Vova Hakhverdyan, one of Vazgen Manukyan's supporters, cameout of the National Assembly and stated:“I personally repeat Vazgen Manukyan's words” -“We will succeed, just be patient. It is his personal request to wait patiently, but the negotiations are being held in a rather difficult atmosphere”.
After some time passed, seeing that Vazgen Manukyan does not leave the building of the National Assembly, the people brokethe iron gates of the National Assembly and entered into the territory of the building. Clashes began.
Vazgen Manukyan tried to calm down the demonstrators, saying: “Here the Commission is making a decision, which we are completely satisfied with. People, the future of our entire nation depends on this moment”.
He called on the people not to resort to riots and not to raise their hands against the police.
Excerpts from the US State Department Report on the 1996 presidential election and the aftermath
“President Levon Ter-Petrosyan was re-elected as a result of the multi-candidate and contradictory elections in September, which were marked by a number of illegalities and serious violations of the electoral law. The opposition rejected the official results of the elections and appealed to the Constitutional Court, asking to annul the decision of the Central Electoral Commission and call new elections. The examination conducted by the Court did not dispel the doubts about the reliability of the official results...”.
“…During the events following the September elections, the government beat and abused the members of opposition parties and the demonstrators. The government signed an agreement with the Red Cross authorizing meetings and private conversations with the detainees, still not enough steps were taken to implement that agreement…”.
“…The government continued to impose certain restrictions on the freedom of the press, the security forces beat and arrested journalists after the events of September, and journalists tend to have some self-censorship…”.
“…After the events following the presidential election, when the ban on demonstrations was still in force, the security forces officers wearing no uniforms beat up the passers-by who appeared near the main mass meeting site. Two cases of police brutality were registered in the first half of the year. In each case, the prisoner who was severely beaten, then committed suicide. Both cases are currently pending at the Supreme Court…”.